PA M E L A H A RT is writer-in-residence at the Katonah Museum of

Art where she manages and teaches an arts-in-education program. She

received the Brian Turner Literary Arts Prize in poetry in 2016. She

was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts poetry fellowship as

well as a fellowship from the SUNY Purchase College Writers Center.

Toadlily Press published her chapbook, The End of the Body. She

teaches at the Hudson Valley Writers’ Center and is a visiting artist in

the schools in Westchester County, New York. She is a poetry editor

for the Afghan Women’s Writing Project and for As You Were: The

Military Review.

Mothers Over Nangarhar moves through its mazy, crazed world of intimate and global conflict, exterior and interior pain, searching and assured. It is a beautiful, strong, and vulnerable work for our beautiful, strong, and increasingly vulnerable world.
— Rowan Ricardo Phillips

